Elevate your career with AWS Cloud skills.

Learn how to build a secure, scalable yet powerful cloud-based solutions with AWS.

Importance of AWS Cloud Computing Skills

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, the demand for AWS cloud skills is soaring to unprecedented heights. As businesses rapidly transition to cloud-based infrastructures, the need for professionals well-versed in AWS technologies has become critical.

On-demand skills

Cloud computing is the #1 hard skills companies need. Professionals with AWS expertise are in high demand.

Increased speed and agility​

Scale capacity based on demand as your business needs change​s.

Cost saving

Eliminate the investment you make in redundant infrastructure. You can achieve economy of scale at a much faster rate compared to on-premises infrastructure.

Rapid pace of innovation

AWS continually accelerate innovation pace to invent new technologies for business transformation.​

Key Benefits

✔ Acquire in-demand skills for today’s cloud-driven job market
✔ Obtain industry-recognized certifications
✔ Broaden career opportunities and advancement prospects
✔ Flexible learning options, including online courses,  virtual labs, and real-world projects

Fuel your passion for the cloud revolution with our robust AWS Cloud Practitioner and Solutions Architect courses – your gateway to an exciting future!

Your path to becoming AWS solutions architect

A comprehensive Solutions architect curriculum designed to equip you with hands-on and job-ready skills to become a Solutions Architect.

  • You begin at foundational level with Cloud Practitioner essentials before diving into Solutions architect.
  • In a practical way, you’ll learn to identify services and features to build resilient, secure, and highly available IT solutions in the AWS Cloud.


AWS Cloud Practitioner

Gain foundational understanding of AWS Cloud as you break into the Cloud Solutions Architect.

AWS Solutions Architect

Understand how to design, build, maintain scalable and reliable systems using AWS infrastructure​.

AWS Cloud Developer

Level up your development skills by work on application software in the cloud environment​.

Who should enrol ?​

  • You are determined to take cloud computing as your career of choice.
  • If you have little to no experience with AWS, Foundational level course is suitable for you. This course is designed to help you obtain the knowledge and skills required to become Certified Cloud Practitioner.
  • You are willing to take up a job role in the cloud after the program. Please note that the program aims to equip you with the solutions architect skills to be job ready upon successful completion.

How much does it Cost?

Funding is available from our ethical student financing program through our partnership with Chancen International. Please reach out to our support team for more information.

Contact information

+254 792 791 586
+254 729 303 826

Choose your flexible learning

Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

Learn in a physical setting, with our Authorized Instructors who will guide you at every step of the way.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training (vILT)

Learn at the comfort of your home or office and access some of the best resources and Instructor remotely.

Our learning matrix

Get started by completing this online registration form and someone from our team will follow up with you.


Learners undertaking the program will get an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud. At the foundational level, AWS Certified Cloud practitioner while at Associate level, AWS Solutions Architect.

At the foundational level, you will have a 6-weeks immersive learning. While at associate level, 8 Weeks learning.

To understand the fee for each program (foundational, associate), please reach out to us at:


+254 792 791 586

+254 729 303 826

Yes. At the end of every program, learners will sit for the certification of their respective level; Foundation or associate.

  • The program is suitable to learners who are determined to take cloud computing as their career of choice.
  • You are willing to take up a job role in the cloud after the program. Please note that jobs will only be available to learners who enroll to Associate level certification program.

No prior knowledge in the Cloud is required.

  • This course is a starting point for people breaking into the cloud industry.