Embracing Grief
We recognize International Grief Awareness Day as an opportunity to acknowledge the often misunderstood and stigmatized experience of grief. As we pause on this significant day, we want to shed light on the discomfort and shame that frequently surrounds grief and challenge the global misconception grieving should be a swift and immediate process.
In our work across East Africa, we have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of grief on individuals, families and communities. We have seen how cultural norms and societal expectations can create an environment where expressing grief is seen as a sign of weakness. This grief stigma can lead to isolation, depression, and other mental health challenges. We at Next Step Foundation are committed to addressing these challenges both as a foundation and through our Upili program.
Our experiences as a team have shown us grief is a universal language, transcending cultural boundaries. The expression and acceptance of grief, however, can vary widely. In some communities we serve, there’s an emphasis on resilience and “staying strong” for others, which can inadvertently suppress healthy grieving processes. On International Grief Awareness Day, we believe it’s time to reframe this narrative and embrace grief as a natural, necessary part of the human experience.
Our work with other nonprofit professionals has also highlighted the prevalence of secondary trauma and grief in those dedicated to helping others. We have seen how the expectation to remain stoic and ‘professional’ can lead to burnout and compassion fatigue. When we as a global nonprofit community acknowledge and address these challenges, we are taking the first step toward creating a more sustainable and empathetic nonprofit sector.
We believe in a world where no one has to grieve alone or in silence and on this International Grief Awareness Day, we invite you to join us in embracing grief as a natural part of life, worthy of our time, attention, and care. Together we will build communities that don’t shy away from grief, but face it with empathy and understanding.